Thursday, November 8, 2018

No more Execution

            One should be punished by the law for breaking the law, but because sometimes the way the government goes about these executions goes against are 8thamendment. There are people who go to prison or sentenced on death row on an ordinary basis but are innocent. Mistakes happen every day but once a person life is passed away and there deceased they can get that back.  The death penalty shouldn’t be allowed as a punishment no matter the cause.
The Electric Chair or the more formal way of saying it the Death Penalty is the topic of discussion in today’s society. Cruel and Unusual Punishment is the 8thamendment that states, "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” thus the death penalties defies this. In a sense that one can be put to death because he or she kills or breaks the law. No matter the circumstance the law should be fair all across the board. Amendments are to protect the people from the government when injustice isn’t served. Their rights each individual has as a citizen of the United States of America! Who’s to say if they go against our rights one day the amendments for self-protection from the government; the life’s that get taken for these malicious acts can be false accusations as well.
There have been multiple cases of people who get accused of a crime and without enough evidence gets a mandatory life sentence; a life sentence is mandatory because of its indefinite death. Accidents happen all the time but a going about to killing a person with insufficient evidence or imprisoning an individual only causes a life lost. They pay people for the time the innocent people spend in jail. Time is something we can never get back, no matter how rich or how poor can’t buy time. Judges and jurors have given out these brutal punishments for under indictment people. The death penalty needs to be abolished and come to an end at once.


  1. Yes, execution is the worst form of criminal punishment. I do feel that it is an appropriate punishment. There are convicts that have done horrendous crimes that do not deserve to live. Although they are incarcerated, they still have the luxury of three meals a day, a place to sleep, a place to socialize, recreation, granted the opportunities for jobs and education, they are still able to have outside communication, and depending on the state sometimes even conjugal visits. True, as any other enforced methods there are discrepancies in the criminal justice system. It is unfortunate that there are innocent prisoners that get sentenced to death. It is also unfortunate all the prisoners that have sentences that are innocent. Given the justice system allows the death penalty is completely crucial. Capital punishment is the term I think you were seeking, as this does not always mean electrocution. Majority, if not all states, have adapted lethal injection as their preferred method of capitol punishment. During this process the convict is sedated while they are injected with a lethal substance that causes the heart to stop. Taking in account this method, it does not allow the prisoner to suffer. Considering this, I would not say that lethal injection is cruel and unusual punishment. Now if you are basing the death penalty strictly on taking one's life, than I can see the argument in that. My assessment is that capitol punishment is a needed and appropriate punishment.

  2. As earlier addressed in my blog, I have to agree with only a few of my classmate's points regarding the death penalty. The only point I can say I agree with is disagreeing with the death penalty because I do not believe that it is unconstitutional. My key point in my previous argument is that the death penalty is very expensive, even more expensive than an inmate serving a life sentence. Although Quincy stated that the electric chair is unconstitutional because it is "cruel and unusual punishment," the electric chair has not been used as a form of execution since 2015, in fact, the electric chair is only legal in 9 states as of 2015 and even then, their primary form of execution is by lethal injection.

    Another argument made was that false accusations are common enough for the death penalty to be reconsidered when in reality only very serious cases like espionage, treason, and murder (which are hardly ever proved to be false accusations) are what gets someone to be sentenced to the death penalty.

    I do agree that the death penalty is something that needs to be reconsidered, but I do not believe that it is unconstitutional. As Baze v. Rees concluded, the primary form of execution, lethal injection, is still constitutional.


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