Friday, December 14, 2018

Suicide should not be asisited

Terminally ill patients should not have the right to end their life if they believe it’s the only way to end a lifelong pain.  When reading We the People about how people have the right to kill themselfs to end a life of physical pain we can see that people actually justify this as being morally right. life is sacred and it should be in our moral judgment onto the quality of life. But on the other hand, we put down animals when they are suffering from pain why shouldn’t human beings have the same level of compassion? It is still bad to put them down as well but in relation to human suffering we have the medicine to help with severe pain instead of having them kill them self with the same medicine. People who favor Assisted suicide believe it respects their right to autonomy or as a sign of mercy but they often fail to acknowledge however desire assisted suicide are extremely vulnerable. People who are in pain and often times disabled with are terminal disease want to die. That life has lost its meaning or purpose which makes them more prone to do anything to end the pain. They often do not believe that there is a better way.  By the government approving assisted suicide we are sending a message that suicide is ok. Assisted suicide is more common amongst people in hospitals but who is to stop a 12-year-old from ending his life? That same 12-year-old boy feels in his mind the same way that terminally ill people feel. We should not help physician-assisted suicide is still suicide and should be treated like such. Instead of helping them kill themselves help them know that they are not a burden on your life. When you stated “ The goal of treatment is to relieve pain…the patient should be granted the wish of whatever he is asking even if it results to death” can be subjective because all humans experience pain and want to get rid of the pain. Although in your statement you are referring to people who have cancer which is an inner disease that kills the body who is to say that a husband with a shotgun kills his cheating wife because he feels pain? Then kills himself because he doesn't want to live out the rest of his days in pain? The common theme in both scenarios is that they both want to end pain but only one of them is legal but death should be natural and not put in anybody's hand because it opens doors to other avenues that are similar

1 comment:

  1. I see your level of thinking, and I believe it come from a good place, but I do not agree with your decision to not allow terminally ill patients end their suffering. I think some pain is just too great for people to be forced to deal with. I think it is morally right to allow someone to end their pain in a peaceful way, and instead of them taking their lives in painful ways we should aid them and give them a peaceful option out.


Suicide should not be asisited

Terminally ill patients should not have the right to end their life if they believe it’s the only way to end a lifelong pain.  When reading ...