Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Save The Babies

In the article, The True History Of Milestone Babies Ann Coulter explains how the United States president Donald Trump wants to end citizenship of "Anchor Babies." An Anchor Baby are babies who are born in the U.S and their parents are not legal citizens but since the kids are born on American soil this makes them Americans. But as I continue to read Coulter explains, "the only reason they weren't citizens was that of slavery, which the country had just fought a civil war to end. The 14th Amendment fixed that." Coulter continues to explain how ridiculous the law he is trying to pass because it is unconstitutional to do so. The article itself is a good read and I agree with her on all points. moreover, this article is written to inform about the actions that Trump is trying to conduct as well as show how bias he can be when using his power to fuel his own need and not the needs of Americans.  Some of Coulter's evidence to back up her theory was the 14th amendment and the intent of the constitution. Counter explains again that the 14th amendment granted freedom to slaves and their children. A century later they Indian Citizenship act classified Indians as Americans as well. Her supporting evidence also shows that no president has never tried to ban children with illegal parents to gain citizenship in America but Trump does for his own hidden agenda. Ann Coulter audience was for people who thought they knew what trump was doing as common but in fact what he is attempting has never been done and for a good reason.

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