Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Our Great Nation

The U.S National government was set up by our founding fathers for all Americans to be responsible for their own success and failure. We Americans are entitled to free speech, a right to a fair trial and all men are created equal. But are all men created equal? When you look at how much minorities have progressed since then you have to ask, was the government really set up for all Americans to be successful?. The foundation of African American poverty was the start of the Homestead Act. The Homestead Act was developed by the Republican Party and while this was supposed to help all Americans move west on to free land instead they moved on to slave land. Moving west at the time was good for the economy. However, 160 acres was given to white people Post-Civil War and not blacks. Although this did not exclude blacks it made it very hard for them to keep the land they worked hard for. The farming industry tobacco, cotton, sugar was built on the back of forced labor. The U.S Government knew this and still did not make it to where all Americans are treated equally like what is stated in the U.S Constitution. Also, the emancipation relationship has not gotten much simpler. From sharecropping to unfair bank lending, black farmers have had to fight through many injustices. Although in today’s world society would like to say that minorities do have equal opportunity’s because they are not locked in chains. In fact, it could almost be worst now because there is a loophole that allows the U.S National government to lock up minorities and have them work for free. Our prison system in America allows for this because society believes everybody in jail is guilty of whatever they have been convicted of, but statistically, the majorities get less time than minorities for the same crime. Modern-day slavery is a term used to describe this behavior of the U.S national government.

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