Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Save The Babies

In the article, The True History Of Milestone Babies Ann Coulter explains how the United States president Donald Trump wants to end citizenship of "Anchor Babies." An Anchor Baby are babies who are born in the U.S and their parents are not legal citizens but since the kids are born on American soil this makes them Americans. But as I continue to read Coulter explains, "the only reason they weren't citizens was that of slavery, which the country had just fought a civil war to end. The 14th Amendment fixed that." Coulter continues to explain how ridiculous the law he is trying to pass because it is unconstitutional to do so. The article itself is a good read and I agree with her on all points. moreover, this article is written to inform about the actions that Trump is trying to conduct as well as show how bias he can be when using his power to fuel his own need and not the needs of Americans.  Some of Coulter's evidence to back up her theory was the 14th amendment and the intent of the constitution. Counter explains again that the 14th amendment granted freedom to slaves and their children. A century later they Indian Citizenship act classified Indians as Americans as well. Her supporting evidence also shows that no president has never tried to ban children with illegal parents to gain citizenship in America but Trump does for his own hidden agenda. Ann Coulter audience was for people who thought they knew what trump was doing as common but in fact what he is attempting has never been done and for a good reason.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Gabe Ortiz wrote a passage about Flavio Musmannon a man who left his wallet at work got a phone call about his wallet and was captured by ICE a deportation team without saying goodbye to his family. After carefully reading Daily Kos and evaluating the text I have come to conclude the author Gabe Ortiz wrote this article to show how cruel and unforgiving the deportation crisis has become over the last year. I also agree with the author that these new laws are outrageous and are unconstitutional by how they are going about deporting foreign people from America. First starting with the choice Ortiz to go with for the title of this article. Ortiz quotes the victim that express his feelings of not being able to talk to his child while being taken away by I.C.E. Ortiz intended audience are not only people who are against these strict deportation laws but they people who think this is ok. Ortiz posts his comments about the president and the people who are for these new laws are standing with the president. Although Ortiz got his overall point across, the only critique i have about the author's article is that it lacked depth about the effects of ICE and the president's feelings about what going on. its clear in the article how the victim, Flavio Musmanno,  feels about the president in his interview so Ortiz not showing both sides lacks a compassion for the victim or lack thereof. When reading this it is best to have an open mind about what happens to these families because this should not happen to any human being.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Reading the article These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America published Jun 24, 2012 by Ashley Lutz is a great piece to read. It talks about what they call the "Illusion of Choice" which is simply not only the top 6 broadcasting stations by the only 6 broadcasting stations. You would think that having over 200 channels on your Dish would lead you to be otherwise but the majority of those 200 channels they are dived into 6 main stations. This is worth the read because it gives very vivid pictures about the monopoly of how it all works. making it easy for anybody to read and understand the inforation at hand.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Hello colleagues, My name is Quincy Franklin, and I am a business major striving to get into Mccombs School of Business. don't be shy to say HI

Suicide should not be asisited

Terminally ill patients should not have the right to end their life if they believe it’s the only way to end a lifelong pain.  When reading ...